kingdom of heaven


Balian:Will you yield the city?Before I lose it,I will burn it to the holy places, ours. Every last thing in Jerusalam then drives man mad.

Saladin:I wonder if it would not be better if you did.

Balian:You will destroy it, Every stone?And every Christian knight you kill will 10 Saracens with him. You will destroy your army here and never raise another.I swear to the God that to take this city will be the end of you.

Saladin:You city is full of women and children,If my army will die…so will you city

Balian:You offer terms,I ask none.

Saladin:I will give every soul safe conduct to Christian lands.every soul…the women, the children, the old

And all your knights and soldiers,and your queen, you kind, such as he is…I leave to you,And what God will make of him.No one will be harmed.I swear to God.

Balian:The christians butchered every Muslim within the walls when they took the city.

Saladin:I am not those men.I am Saladin.Saladin

Balian:Then under these term,I surrender Jerusalem.

Saladin:Salaam alaikum,

Balian:And peace be with you.

Balian:What is Jerusalem worth?

Saladin:Nothing. 毫无价值

Saladin:Everything. 无上的价值

